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I want you to ~

namooyeo 2025. 1. 13.

i want you to ~

네가 ~하길 원해 


1. 문장 만들기 

-i feel like he wants you to break up with your boyfriend because his eyes showed affection yesterday. 

-i want her to stop talking about that. i'm so sick of it. 

-she wants me to save money, but i have too many thins i wnat to buy. 

-he wants me to join the project, but i'm not sure if i have enough time. 

-my teacher wants us to practince speaking english everyday to improve quickly.

-i want you to come to the party tonight because if won't be the same without you. 

-i broke up with him becuase he always was like " i want you to do that and do this".

-my sister wants me to clean up room for her. 


'영어 스토리' 카테고리의 다른 글

I was going to  (0) 2025.01.28
i gotta  (0) 2025.01.10
I've got  (0) 2025.01.08
I was like  (0) 2025.01.02
drive someone crazy  (2) 2024.12.31
