I was going to
i was going to
나 그거 하려고 했는데
(결과는 이뤄지지 않음 -> but과 같이 쓰이는 경우가 많다. )
1. 예문
i forgot what i was goint to say.
(뭐 말할라 했는데 까먹었다)
yes i was goint to do that, but i kind of forgot sorry
(아 그거 하려고 했는데 살짝 까먹었어 미안)
well i was going to tell you that, but he said i can't
(나는 말해주려고 헀는데 걔가 나보고 말하면 안된데)
i was going to go to starbucks, but it was closed so i ended up going back home.
(스타벅스에 가려고 했는데 문을 닫아서 결국 집으로 다시 돌아갔어)
she said she was going to open up a restaurant but because of the pandemic, she gave it up.
(걔 식당 열려고 했는데 코로나 떄문에 포기했다고 그러더라)
2. 문장만들기.
나는 이번 연휴에 다이어트를 하려고 했는데 못했어. 왜냐하면 맛있는 음식들이 너무 많았기 때문이야. 큰아빠는 떡을 가져왔고, 동생 여자친구는 귤이랑 사과를 보냈어. 근래 엄청 먹었더니 아직도 배가 불러. 그래서 오늘부터는 1일차야. 나는 반드시 다이어트에 성공해서 2월달엔 달라질거야.
i was going to lose my weight. because there are many delicious foods, 떡 from 큰아빠, 귤 and apple from girlfriend of my brother. 아직도 배가 불러 becuase i have eaten so today is start. i
>>>>챗 지피티가 만들어준 문장
i was going to lose weight during the holiday, but i couldn't becuase there were so many delicious foods. my uncle brought tteok, and my brother's girlfriend sent tangerines and apples. i ate so much that i'm still full. so , today is officially the start of my diet. i'm determined to succeed and make a change by feburary.
3. 체크체크
큰아빠도 uncle
귤은 tangerine
'그래서' 결과를 나타내는 that
there is 의 복수 there are
배부르다 i'm still full(간단히 생각해 )
i'm determined to -하기로 결심했다. (determined는 형용사 형태)
: i was determined to(나는 -하기로 결심했었다)
/ i will be determined to (나는 -하기로 결심할 것이다)
/ i have been determined to (나는 계속 -하기로 결심해왔다.)
'영어 스토리' 카테고리의 다른 글
I want you to ~ (0) | 2025.01.13 |
i gotta (0) | 2025.01.10 |
I've got (0) | 2025.01.08 |
I was like (0) | 2025.01.02 |
drive someone crazy (2) | 2024.12.31 |